There's a few different versions. mcpvp runs a 150 person FFA version, but there's a lot of hackers. Adventure Time - The Ghost - YouTube
[IMG] Which one? There's several. [IMG] Well at least SCF.N lives on in the PPC I guess.
I go for a hardcore, set-off-no-alarms pacifist run, and the only achievement I miss out of all 50 is for missing one single god-damn unmarked...
Whenever you ask I've been awake for 12 or more hours.
Way to ruin it Shanon.
What's green and falls up.
Season 5 has been in production for a year now, so I'm going to say yes. The Story Of Shallow Gravy + Music Video - YouTube
The Venture Bros.: Killing Angels - YouTube
Lets keep our predictions vague seeing as they've only made one game and it was a remake, eh Nostradamus? Besides, polished turd is still a turd....
Surely there are metal health facilities that specialise in patients with delusions. 1. 2.
Yeah good luck at the yu-gi-oh championship and/ or sports thing.
VTOL aircraft *have* been around for decades, but when you include vertical facing ducted fans with coaxial propellers and the body of a...
Reach or Avatar. The jury's out on whether it was copied and who copied who. This sentiment, although Modern Warfare had Killstreaks and I...
Vehicle support. Larger maps, plural. Thank ****.
I'm glad someone said it. The art direction is looking terrible, case and point: every single vehicle except the helicopter and cars.
Edith Piaf - Non, Je ne regrette rien - YouTube
"Ginger Do Have Souls" version Cartman People Call Me Ginger - YouTube
Dishonored definitely counts, you could say Thief: Deadly Shadows counts. Biopunk, Dieselpunk, Hydropunk, Art deco... punk. No steam-punk.
[IMG] We should have spaghetti dinner together sometime chips.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Launch Trailer (Official HD) - YouTube 3 years old and still a better launch trailer. Don't break the fourth...