I can't imagine that would be much fun, though split screen Minecraft could lead to some pretty intense pillow fight/ kissing action, so what...
I hope you all enjoyed last night’s pro-bending match.. because it will be the last. It’s time for this server to stop worshiping bending athletes...
Everything looks great- until you move, look around, shoot, drive, or touch anything.
Minecraft on xbla is a waste, trust me. Especially if you already have the real thing.
Well Chuck hated Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World, so his subjective interpretation of what is "good" and what is "legal to have sex with" is obviously...
Fact: Before Chuck met me his favourite film was Matrix: Revolutions.
You're Welcome - YouTube You don't have to thank me for getting you into the Alien Franchise and Promethius. I do it for the good feels.
Needs more "Giant hole in the centre".
I don't see why people are pissy about Promethean Vision, that's few uses include routing out campers and is loud enough so that you can't use it...
"Avengers a second time? Nah, I should watch The Dictator". It will pass but right now everyone hates you Shanon.
---------- Also, pictures and tid-bits of info lead me to strongly believe in forerunner enemies. Woo for jungles and three types of grenades!...
MJOLNIR Powered Assault Armor/UA Multi-Threat variant - Halo Nation MJOLNIR Powered Assault Armor/R variant - Halo Nation Yeah RST, you...
[IMG] Prism Ranger Helmet, limited edition exclusive.
"Exclusive". [IMG]
It's more interesting than having everyone's colour and alt colour in the exact same spots on the skin. If two people in a game choose the same...
Dance is the hidden language of the soul. Talking Classics - PAX East 2012 - YouTube
I prefer the music of your cousins, the French. [HD] Superbus - Ca Mousse (TS 2006) - YouTube
Elton John - I Guess That's Why They Call It The Blues - YouTube
Adventure Time With Finn & Jake-"Shut Your Face" - YouTube BT does.
Okay so watch this Skyfall trailer. It took me a second to realize that it was a Bond film. SKYFALL - Official Teaser Trailer - YouTube