I wish I could write something as succinctly as Titmar that expresses how shallow and inane these "death of a classmate" fallout situations are,...
Adventure Time Batman Beyond Justice League Regular Show The Venture Bros. Young Justice Just saying.
I haven't played a game on either where I've actually cared what the outcome is. It may be possible to play 1-Flag on those maps, but it doesn't...
One thing Reach lacked was a map specifically for 1-Flag CTF. Halo 2 had Zanzibar and Relic, Halo 3 had Last Resort, High Ground, Ghost Town,...
They made you feel like Tui from ATLA?
I have a capture card and would love to help you Jason, could you possible swing both a 1600ms point card AND a 3 month card into this deal?...
Pretty Gay - Pierce Hawthorne - YouTube
[IMG] Those small, cute ears, that cute clavicle..
I was considering that, but sitting in a theatre for 8 hours straight seems pretty painful. Plus I hate ordering tickets online, audiences.. Better.
Saying "I like me" isn't a resolution, it's pissing in god's eye and expecting mercy. Next time try the Ronan Keating/ Notting Hill method.
Pac, it was a borderline pissy thing to have done, and there were unlimited amicable ways to end this argument before it began, none of which...
Altered Beast - Rise From Your Grave - YouTube Yeah V-Max that's what I meant. ****ing Event Cinemas.
@TSB I considered it pretty spoilery that you mentioned that [spoiler] I'll definitely watch it IMAX, might watch in 3D.
It's a spoiler confirming that those particular Spider-Man arcs/ events you mentioned happen in the movie. But way to imply I know nothing of...
There's a new district attorney in Gotham. [IMG] No tag, warning, nothing.
Batman Begins? The Dark Knight? The Dark Knight Rises? Brain... overwhelmed with words.
I think you're thinking of "Spider-Girl". [IMG] Not only do her powers differ from Spider-Man, but she has a Blue Beatle-style exoskeleton...
Do you want lame old Miles Morales after Peter Parker, or a half chick to lighten up this sausage fest with a half Mexican and half Puerto Rican...
The Amazing Spider-Man (2012) The Spectacular Spider-Man (2014) Araña: The Heart of the Spider (2017) More likely: The Amazing Spider-Man...