I forgot to say that there is 6 minute rounds
Ice Castle Created by zILiGhTzXzOu7z Supported Gametypes: Custom Game Varient Map Description Well, this one map called Sky Castle inspired me...
well, spectral, i think thats wat everybody thought until they saw the pictures, the (Switch Death) Part too.
well slayer, i did that when i was making the map. Friends were playing too. my friend put respawn points in front of the dumpster doors so that...
Ya, you are 100% right. This is just a kick around map to have fun on and trick your friends. but remember the turd smash doesnt work sometimes
Well Here It Is. Enjoy!!!! http://http://gameroom.mlgpro.com/view/i5lVhmx0yZE.html Download It...
ya i know. those r my friends/testers. KraziEight. Pink guy. aNOTHER vIDEO wILL bE cOMING Soon
Well Here It Is http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A_8kO5Pfsec Infection Map Camp Hard is going to be on here later
how is this a switch? 2/5 fix your pictures
[IMG] Or Is It? Download Here http://http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=26154426
that was a bad comment. {hi] come on
yes i do realize that. i just made my own. its in the comments. somewhere
well, its alright right i guess wink wink.
Well, I Made this fat kid map 2 days ago (already posted it) that is a map thats not to breakable. not to powerful, and fun in everyway. Feel free...
i was putting my hopes up for mercenaries because my friends said its fun. i dont know?????
So does that mean you guys like the map
thanx odst. for a second there i thought everbody hated fat kid
Thanx. BTW sometimes the Turd Smash Doesnt Work. But its pretty cool when you get stuck in it
Camp Hard Created by zILiGhTzXzOu7z Supported Gametypes: Custom Infecion Varient Map Description Well, this is a map of a camp. The reason of...