I dont know if you know me but im making a new map, its gonna be a minigame called Dont be touching on the sticky. Sounds lame but im getting back...
well, its seems that alot of people like this map according to the pages, thanks guys
well, im glad you and your friends liked the map. (well i dunno about ur friends no, but ya thats a good laugh
well, thanks for the video idea. i ll try, and btw there are no spartan lasers or needlers because i knew how it would be sort of cheating in a way
well i wasn't really perfect at making maps back then a little
well i'm just glad you guys like the map which is pretty old
ok i dunno your gt
Thats exactly what i did. I made my own with my twist of switches
Wow, you make my map seem super fun. thanks!
i dont know how i would do that, but i'll try
first comment Hooorah! It looks pretty good made well, looks like you used all of it too. One bad thing i think is that its cramped togeter
panzies haha. Well glad you had fun tih the map
I dont think I can because it meant to be asthetic
You need to download it again, because I found out that you can't beat it with a friend. BTW: When you get past the third hard hump. Jump down...
thats what I was talking about, its unbeatable with a friend, thats why I fixed it up. You just got too to download again, look at the pictures of...
ya I was'nt thinking of it to until i played on orbitalshots map "jumping on the rocks. So I was just looking around on maps and I said hey this...
SPOILER #1 [IMG] SPOILER UP CLOSE [IMG] I had a reson when I said dont look at the thing sticking up. I wouldn't...
my bad i posted on accident
you guys are both wrong. I'll show a close up and a spoiler if the next person doesn't get it right
[IMG] I bet nobody is gonna find him unless................ watever you do, dont look for something sticking up ^..... if you know what...