Dark Palace by , x 7eChNiQu3 x Map download: Dark Palace Gametype Download:Sand Storm story The sand gods are mad at the spartans for...
i got that covered, i have 3 respawn points around the house in the dark regions. so they wont get spawn raped :D. EDIT: IM POSTING MAP NOW.
Cool im bout to post mine up too! Well, i like how you made the house. It looks pretty fun, but sorry cant dl, i have 100 customs. Im probably...
well, i put gloomy on but it didnt look all that good because it was to bright alittle or probably i gonna put hust juciy wichever works better
Hi forgehub, im gonna show you a little preview of my new map i just finished. Its called Dark Palace because its like a big palace in a dark...
I making a new map called Dune castle, a castle on sandbox.Its gonna be fairly identical to my Ice Castle 2.5 map. Tell me some things you want...
Well i might make a v2, I dont know. Ill try
haha thanks, i wanted to make a little side story line
because if there too many people, some wont spawn inside the box. I only put 9 respawn points
Oh, well thats ok people have their own opinions
I dont know how to merge in the sky. lol
I was thinking about it but then i saw the cons and compared the phones
I could pick out a new ipod and i wanted to know if the ipod touch was goin tro get another price drop before june? Does anybopdy know when or...
Im getting a new phone and I dont koe whic one to pick Samsung Glyde or Motorola Krave
The Mutant Frog By x 7eChNiQu3 x aka x MuG x Sh07 x Story The ugly diabolical two-colored-eye mutant frog LIVES.The flies are trapped in a...
First of all I made a map and I dont think its been made in a way before, well its called mutant frog. Basically its a frog that looks crazy and...
ya i found that but its says that i cant take it out because it might associatesd with a subsceription
No, I want to try to take out the credt card but it says that the subscription isnt over. I have a couple of 48 hour trial cards but i wanna take...
My account x MuG x Sh07 x said its suspended when i signed in. It said," Your account has been suspended due to a problem with your payment...
this looks amazing. Mind if i use this idea in one of my maps please.