I have to download this! I know your your the mapmaker of the smearena game and i still play that today. Im positive this will be fun! But i need...
Alrite people. I have a choice on Fallout 3, Fable 2, and Mirrors Edge. PLease vote on the poll and tell me about each game. Thankyou.
thankyou crypto. sandbox is getting sort of old. You should add me if you still play on Foundry and Halo. GT-x MuG x Sh07 x Im probably going to...
thankyou! finally foundry maps that are good!. You are one of the few people ive seen post maps about foundry. Thanks!
Ive seen a couple. But hardly. Most of my friends dont have sandbox thats why. lol. So im re downloading most of my maps.
Walnuttz. Still play Halo?
well obviously its better. but now its like flooding all over the minigames section. Does anybody make maps on Foundry anymore
Well i finally got live back to my account and will be playing halo. I still go on here but every map is like on sandbox. There used to be so many...
I've posted many maps on here before but none of my friends play halo now. So I'm looking for more that play a lot of custom games and have mics....
MY MAP IS POSTED NOW EVERYONE LOOK FOR IT. (BTW Not screamin at you zombieco)
Extacy by x MuG x Sh07 x Idea This is a sort of symmetrical map and sort of not but it is still. .Well I didnt really have an idea for a map but...
ok guys im posting map with name (extacy). Look for it soon in competitive maps
Well ok, name is Extac (doesnt matter how its spelled right.) im gonna take pictures now and post it so ya
well im finished eith the map and tested it and it works out great! Now i think im gonna call it extacy, what do you guys think or xenophon, i...
Ahh man i was looking at the search forums and typed in exile and it was taken, thats sucks
i like ecile i might use that thanks
ok ill put one screenshot up alright guys.
It is gonna be my first actual competitive map that im working hard on, so It has a big X in the middle so I wanted it to be given a name that...
Im not advertising my ma, im just simply posting a video of it. HERES THE VIDEO OF IT: Ancient Prison Video On youtube WATCH IN HIGH QUALITY...
Thanks for the first two comments guys and suffocation, your right because i tested and the alpha could make it in the air mirror and air door but...