im not gonna lie, i saw this post and thought the map wasnt going to be fun at all, but then i downloaded it and its loads of fun, ive played at...
thanks for the positive feedback
well, i wouldnt have a problem with it thats why i came up with the idea, i might do something different though. and for the water, on sandbox...
alright i got an idea for some racing maps that i planned on doing. The one that im going to do first is a volcano map. Currently all i really...
well u can trick the human, if he is really stupid and sit right next to the booth then right as hes lunging commit suicide and he falls in, or he...
to dream, its just a hole so that you comit suicide, if its a killball then you get killed by the guardians and i dont think that counts as a...
Gameplay This is a mini game where if you are a zombie, you want to comit suicide. if you comit suicide then you earn 1 point. The zombies have...
hes the roman god of forge and volcanoes, and mysterious do you mean making like a colloseium around it or something? because that could work with...
Alright i was going to make an aesthetic map of the statue of vulcan. I was wondering if anyone has already made a map like this, and i was also...
No, its not named after the country, the malta was a ship in halo 2 that was destroyed during the attack on earth. and i like it a little open,...
alright i made it playable for assualt, territories and KOTH now also. and where is it sloppy? i tried to make it absolutely perfect. and i have...
This map attracted me because i just posted a map called ragnarok, because i liked the sound of it. But on to the map the interlocking looks...
Ya, I never play assault so i didnt think about making it play assault. And i about the double blocks i couldnt think of a better way to make the...
i have to say this definatley looks like a great map, not only is it geomerged amazingly with the dunes, but it also looks like it would be a...
This map is two bases on the mid floor of sandbox. The two bases are assymetric, although there are symmetrical things to it. This map is made for...
this map is really sweet, i give it a 4/5. I really like it because it reminds me of a half-life map were u are really small and in a bathroom....
I fixed both of those problems in v2, i deleted the machine gun turret. And its not a timed map event when u get to the first area in space u...
Alright i made a version 2 to my map, i fixed some bugs and added a last area to fight to make it more interesting, leave me feedback if you like...
This looks very interesting but its hard to tell because the pics are small. i dont know if you did or not but try using its...
Actually when we tested it out in space after a few times the flood would be able to get to the people and kill them. No i didnt use the out of...