All u dumbasses, this is to put in your fileshare for Halo 3. LMAO Cartograph. I have made over 15,000 MPS by doing this. And if u compare...
No I know all the effects except for 1. Which is De Behrs effect. But i dont even really like it so i dont care
Yea you have the effects and everything down eamonn but we both know barely anyone can do this writing.
Eamonn I didnt copy you. This is just a short guide. Yours will probably be extensive because you said it'll be done by Nov. 1st. And i never...
IDK why but anything that is bright will work. And i said the needler. But thanks!
IDK what is it?
ALL MAPS FOR SCREENSHOTS FOUND IN DeIerium's FILESHARE!!!! White Effect: The effect seen in the "MLG Pro" screenshot. Filters: Juicy, Pen and...
Yea i put it in the wrong section by accident... Everyone on XbL says that screenshots are "art" so i assumed this is where the "art" would go.
Um im not bashing, if you can read i said that He does not know ALL the effects. And neither do I, but im not the one making a guide....
The Foreground looks more like a cliff than sand on a beach. Fix that and it'll be looking great!
Yea his effect isnt that great in my opinion. Its just new so people will like it for a while, then theyll get over it.
The idea is kind of corny.
Eamonn there are a lot of different effects you dont know about.
I made this Signature for the pro Legit. He sent me a message saying its sick and put it in his fileshare, i thought that was pretty cool. It...
Edward Norton, Yea if you only know him because of fight club, ur a BK. JK. He was in Primal Fear, American History X and of course Fight Club....
I made this screenshot for my favorite pro Legit. I am vDelirium (or was vDelirium). It took me about 5 days (1 day per letter). Well anyway,...