This map looks like it was well thought out and fairly neat I noticed a few areas that tilted down or up a little but other than that nice map.
fun map I played on it with a friend just a minute ago.. =)
Not to bad of a map it could have been a little neater but, well done
I have had this map and had nothing to do one day and i hadn't really played on it, the map was just sitting in my maps so I got a few friends...
I agree with abandoned heretic this game does sound fun, but could you please explain how to play it.
this map really is true about training your battle rifle. A friend and I had played here just a few minutes ago and it was actually pretty fun =)
I have this map but they renamed it n@zi zombies so it proves whoever i got it from was a fake and this is the real thing.. good job though, very...
your good at hiding him! haha i couldn't have found him without looking at the photos people had already posted back..
Very nice I might get this to my clan leader to use, you got my download and good idea making it look like an arena. 10/10
Wow...I have seen many maps with this style(lots of big open turns), you used them really well, so I give you my download 10/10.
cool map =) good job.
it ok a little to simple though but i give you credit so... 3/5
good map you got my download that map looks great for CTP purposes. =)
I am looking for a team of people who do a show in Halo 3 kinda like H3MB I am a fairly good voice actor and I can co-op with everybody pretty...
I already had known everything about respawning just wanted to say very good guide, very descriptive.=)
dark fusion you have done all but 10 of the threads in this forum I gotta give you credit your pretty good at this..=)
cool map I'm gonna download it..8/10 for the pictures btw.. =)
Thanks I have been trying to figure out how to do that in single player mode. =)
I have only glitched out of Foundry, Sandbox, Rat's Nest, High Ground, and Isolation so far ,but this guide is right and new forgers(or just plain...
Wow your really good at making these guide things 10/10.Good Job.