I like your creativity :), the way you put the race track going around the tower was truly amazing. I do not however think it is all to original,...
You do know that the correct way to spell grammar is with an "ar" not an "er" right??
Dude, AMAZING JOB! At my first glance I was like wow, that's some pretty darn good ghost merging, and the geomerging was good also, best map I...
All right I tried the map, and it is VERY well forged, I like the weapons, but I could do without the sword, mauler, and needler(That's just me.)...
I love how you made the waterfall, it was very creative and caught my eye at first glance, buy yeah both posts before me are right people could...
It looks like a pretty cool map, Looks really well forged, pretty good weapons,(although I could do without the needlers.) and looks like a fun...
I agree, this map looks terribly forged, I could have made this in like 15 minutes, the bases are too small to even be bases and there isn't...
WICKED!!!!!!! That must have taken forever to make it precise, it's just like a rube goldberg in my opinion except with yourself rofl. 100/100!!!
Rofl ok um WOW,.. 4 maps all at 1 time, all amazingly well forged, I tried each track and have found no bumps, you did Amazing dude 10/10!!!
I like the map, and how you forged it, but I think that if you built on to it a little it could easily be a great team slayer map. 4/5
I am a bit confused, so I will download the map, I can't understand what this is supposed to be! Lol but anyway based on your pictures it looks...
This map looks really challenging! :P I think its pretty cool though because most of the time people will make like jumping maps or something,...
I got to agree mate, this map looks AMAZINGLY merged, and for all the hours you put into this map, I'm gonna download it and I rate it 10/10.
It looks like it would be hard to stay on the track, and there have been countless sandbox racetracks, anyway good job on it, it looks good for a...
Looks like a pretty good map, its well forged, but it looks slightly challenging rofl. I'm guessing that is the point of it, well you got my...
I think this map would be good for a 1v1, however I do thing that the rockets and camo are really well.. um... not really needed. If this isn't...
Nice map. I like the loop, you rarely see those in maps anyway, good geomerging, and good idea. 9/10.
Ok, thanks.
VERY NICE!!! I love how good you were at geomerging, and making it not look so much like the pit by using your creativity. The map layout looks...
Hey, I have a map idea, um I am curious if you can activate my account so I can make a thread?? Thanks. ;)