Meh i would have but i was tired finishing it off so it isnt that Interlocked. I am done with this map now (Editing it)
Hi im Mini's Bro Hes making a new map atm. Its about finished and will be ready for testing tonight. He wants me to say sorry for Triple Post
What you do is you go straight against the Barrier and place a Sender there. Then shove a Reciever out and try to go through the Sender Once...
Also may i add to this i didnt seal the Ledges that you could get on next to the Roof because i needed the Bridge's
Sure What you do is you go straight against the Barrier and place a Sender there. Then shove a Reciever out and try to go through the Sender...
Nice map mate :)
Nice map :) 5/5
Bump dunno if i can but yea
Updated V3 list Rockets replaced with Custom Power Up on the bridge Mauler replaced with Carbine Mauler moved on one of the Double boxes on the...
Isolation sucks. lol but its very good (Graphics) :)
Im editing a few things tommorow like the little ledge and fixing the open space but i have no idea what to put in
Thanks i am not fully finished with this map so just wait :) il edit it more tomorrow for now i am just going to relax on GH3
[IMG] :-)
Il try but i doubt i can
I would get more pics but i just cba There are a fair amount of BR's and Carbine's on the map.
Fixed my post
Well i only posted today so yea i copied you lol jking
This map is purely made for CTF but also supports Slayer and KOTH.(Supports MLG CTF and MLG FFA/TS and MLG Crazy King Best) I made this today and...