Hey, thanks man. I might send you a FR next time I'm on.
CEREBREMAKE Continuing in the theme of remaking my favourite of my own Halo 3 creations and inserting "remake" into the title witlessly, I...
That's not a question in the title, by the way, it's just badly worded. I think it would have been awesome to be able to edit Campaign maps into...
I found a couple notes for this scrawled in a drawing pad that I used to plan Halo 3 maps in. The premise is simple: while teams still gain a...
Lol, can't say this has ever happened to me. I'd say you have a good chance of being put on. Yeah I was kinda shocked at the time, but after a...
The track isn't fun when "little imperfections" make it more difficult than banking around corners. Twice I spawned in the Hangar playing Race, so...
YouTube - Timing Fail Might need tips on embedding... Edit: Ah no, looks like it worked.
The two things that kind of stand out to me are the defense base and the fact that the play area is extremely narrow. I've never really played...
Yeah, testing is definitely the toughest phase of making a map because it's so hard to get custom games going. You just have to make the most of...
Thanks, I don't know how I managed to accidentally submit the thread midway through writing it. Maybe I did it when I accidentally hit a button...
UPRISING Halo Reach Forges Video A Moment to Reflect Uprising was born a long time ago in a distant solar system on the Planet Earth, in a...
No problem at all, man. A higher floor in the purple room would definitely help. The water's fine, just as long as the player's never totally...
Just ran a forge-through, here are some thoughts: Your forging ability is sound, everything is nicely made and it has a pretty cool aesthetic to...
I think you were right with your prediction of how TS would run with the readjusted starting points, but the top area would still be too...
I made a different, kinda massive change to hopefully improve TS: I added a wall. It's game-specific to Slayer along with killzones and all the...
Awesome, awesome, awesome aesthetics. It looks like a very finished, polished, and well-loved creation. I'm sure it took a lot of perseverance to...
I think you justified it pretty well actually. Usually I try to avoid planning set pieces of maps around a particular strategy, because you can...
Yeah, I think it just elevates too slowly to really cut down on travel time that much. Vorpal Saint: You certainly would be one of them...
I thought it looked like a really cool way to use the Spire. I haven't seen many maps built in this area, but this is the most unique of those...
I'll just stick up a new post instead of revising the first so it's easier to see (and for a sneaky bump). This map is awesome. It's not just...