Still thought... something seems "off" with that scoring.
Good point.
Also, is there a formal writing guideline for proofs? I know there's a color code but I'm not all to familiar with it.
What about deleting old perma-banned accounts?
I went over this with pac and he hasn't gotten back to me yet, but would you be cool if I finished scopeless with basket to get some more work...
There is so much wrong with this one... can you cover for me?
I'll give it a shot. Can you link me to it?
I don't think this is RH since it doesn't follow RH guidelines or format. For example, what is up with that scoring? Also, NEVER use "I" "me" or...
Do you want me to revise this for you? I can't tell if this is for RH or not...
So glad they're actually bringing back the carbine...
I do believe they are going off the fact that it looks badass... which it most certainly does. There's really no way to tell whether or not it's...
Hence why I would just sell it. What's the point of having a taste of the experience without a surround sound system and the full DLC? But when I...
In a way I'm kind of glad I didn't get one... I would have just sold it. Also, they kind of ruin the anticipation, even more so since there's the...
Judging by the possible, and highly likely, mass amounts of applicants, I can only predict that no one here, or at least one, will get a code.
That's fantastic as well. We could always use new members to help us out. Just talk to Organite, Pacmonster, or Tedium about getting your first...
The RH is not for testing maps. It is for giving scores to maps that have already been posted.
TG is more for revising maps in progress. RH is for writing reviews for completed maps to give that map a score. I hope that helped.
Prometheus is only awesome if you go into the theatre knowing that it is part of the aliens series. Otherwise, it makes no sense.
Sure I'll try it out... BT even said he won't use it.