To be completely honest, and granted I have obviously not played this, but it seems to be a big team battle map. Just from pictures of course. I...
They're mostly just an annoyance. Any thoughts on the possible name for the next DLC, "Hearth Fire"?
[img] Another related thing that I would love but will never happen, elephants on all large maps.
Did you see it?
Daniel Craig.
The stepping down and all?
no lol just found it
captions? [img]
I salute you, sir.
I second that notion.
I would have liked it much more if they casted a black dude as the new spider man.
My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.
Second rule of PPC, ask sarge for reconz.
Nova or Forerunner... forerunner gives that military esque feel to it while keeping some style and nova has a great "woodsy" or camo kind of tone...
My prior statement still stands.
I actually kind of agree with him on this one... Better FPS, easy modding capabilities, larger user base usually... and you cans still use a...
science insomnia **** you science - YouTube
I'm really sorry about the last TGIF... I had a personal emergency and had obligations elsewhere at the time.