^ what he said
**** you, sleep.
Fairly sure we'll be sticking with Unity, though.
Trying to work out legalities with the two choices in engine. Along with that, I should have a contract for the rest of the team written up pretty...
They can be bastards at times.
Well let me explain them in order from top to bottom: Whiney *****, fat *****, dumbass, and *****.
That sounds fine. You could sit in on our upcoming skype group meeting whenever I can schedule everyone at the same time. Talk to...
And I shall. And what would you consider your fields of expertise?
[IMG] [IMG] [IMG] And then there's the one that never shows his face
Its a firefighter sim
Down the line I will, I'll hit you up then.
Oh sorry that was a copy/pasted message lmao. No, back end is the code that you don't actually see. I was directed to you by goat for this...
Wondering if you'd be interested in doing some back end mechanics for this game I'm making with some other people. If so, skype me.
Indeed it does.
So... how about that 400 msp?
I pay half tuition wherever I go... But I still end up getting charged out the ass. ****ing bipolar women piss me off beyond belief.
R.I.P. Jeff Steitzer?