it sounds kind of simple but since this is your first time im gonna wait to make a judgement till you get the pictures running im not gonna tell...
this looks really fun i really want to try it out looks 7/10 gameplay 7/10 fun 8/10
it looks great i am begining to love battle tracks... do you guys have a website?? first
trust me... there will be that one guy... that thinks he is so great because he managed to get out of someones map...
minato dont take it personly but your map does look a bit open and dont worry once he tries your map he will make the proper adjustments maybe...
looks really great i like it (p.s. oblivion was the best rpg but fallout 3 will be better)
i love the idea and it looks fun. and best of all those guys who think they're smart and stay on the board... get a whole bunch of hurt... i will...
this map looks great i cant wait to test it!! come on he just probably diddn't read that part dont be mean
guys he gets that there small... putting that aside the idea sounds really good i cant wait to see it. on the other hand i dont know what your...
this looks great you have my dl... but...i want to know where those teleporters lead to under the sniper (are they a trap) ;)
this map looks great i mean fenominal but i dont care to much for small close maps.. it looks amazing though best map in a while
looks pretty good but only problem is how will you get everyone to do there job?
i know others have said that you need to fallow the rules so im not gona say that... cool picture but an unorigianal name (but seriosly post the map)
this looks really great i cant wait to download
great map would it work on infection??
looks good but ill have to play it
First Wooo looks good i cant wait to try it! p.s. for next time you might want to make the DL link more seeable (it is the name)
First Wooo might want to make the pictures bigger next time make them bigger then i will give you some praise(or critisism) ok heres the...
someone reported my first post?????? btw i like your interlocking nice job
lol you will always be behind me!!!