man this map makes me so mad... p.s. i only want a little hint to the first room
it looks fun from what i infer but you were a little vague on what the game is about.. either that or im a reatard who cant read. but if what i...
this looks fairly good i like it. it has some excelent geomerging but i have a question do you think you could run infection on it succesfully?
this looks really good but is cramped at places but seems big enough to fully use a sniper. looks great keep up the good forgeing 3.5/5
this looks like it could become i really great map. like others have been saying taking advantage of all the new tricks like switches and...
one i have seen better versions of this map but thats ok two ot looks sloppy in places but thats ok three it looks like its very one sided even...
it does look a little sloppy but thats not a problem. the only two problems with it are and i think someone else said the first but one, the ghost...
wow.. i must say it looks like you put a lot of effort into this and it came out great good job i love the different areas
i gotta say if the creativaty and buetifull asthetics diddn't get me it was the rvb theme that won me over nice map 5/5
hey guys he double posted so look at the newer post it has good pics
im not gonna say dont repost (cuz a lot of people will) but i will say this it looks like a good map i love the flower. excelent geomerging and...
wow thislooks...great i love a good swat map and its hard to find one. this is one of the good ones. i love how it looks like you can sneak around...
i like this map its looks very great for a 2v2 just like you said i like how you get the snipe to float crooked (i could never do that) looks...
it sounds cool but i would love to see the pics (their not working 4 me) it sounds like a very competitive map i cant wait to spend hours playing...
it looks great thanx for adding more pictures it looks great ( i love the powerups are they switches)
looks great i love that you have to scavange for the weapons p.s. not that it matters but you have a couple typos and grammer problems in your...
ok i give up could you tell me hot to get out of the first area i found a sniper but i cant help but wonder if im suposed to get the dumpster out
this looks really great but couln't the zombies have three ways to get into the final area... that sounds a bit much (please correct me if im wrong)
this looks really great and i dont usually like these kinds of maps good job. p.s. i agree althogh its not necicary adding cover would make it...
this actually looks really good i like the smothness i wish i could make a map this good