Trogdor's Forts V2.0 Created by SpartanJediMan Gamertag: JWeiner 1 Suggested Gametypes: Slayer, Team Slayer, Capture the Flag, Assault,...
The saving to the hard drive will still require the disc, just like what the PS3 does. This will only be used to lower loading times, not to...
Hey, I own the Wii and I love it. I am just annoyed that there are way too many Minigame collections (Sonic and Mario Olypic games: is that...
I making an infection map that is not just zombies rushing an impenetrable fortress with no shields and 20 guys with rockets defending them. I've...
Thx, and I am prepared to suck badly . . . This is an experiment for me as I am not the artistic one in the family
I wanna make my own sig, but I have no clue what program to use to help, and I would like it to be free ( I do not have photoshop). Anyone have...
I liked all of these, they were pretty good, but they are not the best I have ever seen. I am not 100% amazed/flabbergasted, but you put quite...
Does anyone besides me look interested in Mirror's Edge?? I think it looks fun and a great break from the standard FPS
I did not think the wait is too long compared to other games, and it looks good, but not revolutionary. I did not like the fact that only 1...
I missed the press conference unfortunately. . . can anyone explain the new dashboard I've been hearing complaints about??
FF XIII is no longer PS3 exclusive!! At last, Microsoft is blessed with Square Enix's wonderful creations. E3 is a wonderful thing, I'm watching...
Well welcome, and I am sure NO ONE will mention anything about accents to you here, right?
Well, I'm planning on making a gametype where zombies have no shields and humans have a unlimited weapons cache . . . jk It will be in stages...
Thanks, you people are great *cough* *holds back tears* What do ya have against infection?!?
Render: [IMG] If not possible, use star wars as a theme ( I couldn't resize / crop, srry) Style: I liked the 4th one, with master chief on it...
Man. . . I joined back in February but I never really posted until now. Soo . . . lemme introduce myself. My xbl gamertag is JWeiner_1 and I...
This is just a quick question I have for the switches. Can you only use the delay switch for teleporting, or can you use it for spawning stuff...