Alright then, thx... I'll try it out.
I did look, I found nothing. It would look better straight up, not at an angle, and the bridge does not fit lengthwise.
I've noticed that in some forge maps, people have blocked off the side rooms in Foundry with sideways bridges. I have given up using windows...
I use GIMP (it's free)... though I'm still using youtube vids as tutorials because I suck. (I liked V6 the best) EDIT: It's not "legal", though...
This looks great! Just a question, can you tell us some suggested game settings for zombies (ie shields, speed, gravity, weapons?)
Sry that I can't help you much, but I wanted to say nice Simpsonish avatar. I believe that there are some sites that you can look off from...
I'll try out GIMP, then I'll see if I should buy PS (or maybe mooch of a friend if there is one I know who has it) or stick to that The thing is...
I'm listening . . .:confused: Edit: I'm ashamed of myself... Edit: Edit: I take that back, I'm using GIMP 3rd Edit: I'm a coward lol
The title says it all and I don't have the wallet to buy there any free programs I can download to use or am I out of luck?
Actually, one of the requirements for bungie to be a programmer is to know the C++ programing language well. A simple way to begin is to use...
Mine is actually kinda pathetic... I was trying to set up my 360 for a while with much trouble, it was 1:30 a.m.; I was tired; and I just wanted...
This is great just from the pics, let alone in the actual game!! But where's the holographic chess board?!?!
Well, I needed a name that stuck out and I thought of the almighty burninator!!! [IMG]
I'm guessin so . . .will blocking off the box on the part that is outside my structure completely with walls or something fix it (the lighting...
I interlocked the box where I wanted it to be and such, but it is the only one among many boxes where it is a much brighter color. I have no clue...
It actually helps if you are interlocking two objects at a very specific spot, but not 100% sure where it(your box or whatever you set to not...
Thx for the suggestions, and I'll take these into account for any new maps I am making . . . sniff . . . I'm soo happy!
Most of my interlocking comes in the floor for the 2nd story of the middle fort, and the fence walls, while nothing incredible. I only geomerge...
I realize this is not the most original or complex map out there, but it was my first map and I made it because all the other maps that are very...
Darn, I'll fix that . . . How did I not see that?