ah i got you be kinda cool if u got out during gameplay
very nice how did u get out btw
lol interlocking farcry allows u to put a damn building or object in the air if u want to without doing any tricks so yes interlocking and geo...
lol he sbeing known to lie and overhype so well just wait and see 50k plus right now whatever the consequence is im sure it cant be bad i...
its on one of their interviews and one of there videos the game will be classed based weaponry allowing you to upgrade your stuff like in cod4...
its just something to do kinda fun when u are better skilled with older weapons
its a very good map even without geo merging or interlocking u dont need them to make a good map they are useful however so if you ever learn to...
the mapis nice it works in the sense that you kept it simple and it can be lots of fun i assume in the combat hall with either large teams or...
like others said you should consider a version two removing some or all of the shield doors. map looks very good thought especially for your first...
this map is absolutely beatiful well made interlocked geo merged and the game alone is just a bliss to play as i played it i found myself...
lol i like how much work you put into the post itself you kept it funny and informative u have my download
map looks good u could however gives us some more pics so people can see if it is or is not a small map. first floor and second floor are well...
lol this coming from the banned guy
meh this is just like any other lil kid obstacle course map.quite frankly i think they lost their fun
the idea is there and a good one at that however it all seems kind of bland so consider giving a makeover to the stadium among other things make...
yeah thinking about it now those regenerators were a bad idea . and the fusion coils blocking the path for vehicles could have being toned down a bit
hmm thats not good ell its kinda of to late to rename it now however this is the last version i was making of it so the name is yours in the...
interesting , rebel and big base . so i take it they have there advantages and disadvantages?
i played a similar map before however this one looks cleaner and much more polished
are you aware that they will not spawn again? its a one time use so its partly brains on the zombie to get them to use them up. and seeing as he...