I will don't worry. Where do you think though? Like the weps where should I put 'em. And I don't see a problem with those lighting things, whats...
[IMG] Story: 2326 Strange radio waves were being reached from a island around the arctic circle; these waves sounded like this, "sssavve ussss...
Ya I didn't no wat double posting was I thought it ment posting a map twice. :'(
This is perfect now, If you want me to add more imformation later today I will okay?
No tunnel in the wall. the cannon man are above the tunnel
Thanks texturedlemur. :)
I have photobucket but I didnt know thanks. I have photobucket but I didnt know thanks.
If one of you tell me how ill tryb photobucket one. I cant find how to on it.
I played with two of my friends on this map. ok ill edit for more imformation ok
))*Voltage*(( ((()))-((()))-((())) Story This research facility was used to find a source of power that wasn't hard to create. They thought of...
I doesn't cause "major" lag just slight lag.
Loook at my Boom 1,2,3 Screenshots on Wzander44 on bungie.net for images srry
If it was in casual the explosions would make people pissed so its soposed to be a aesthetics thing. ok Again srry about images. it would be...
Srry must of messed up ill fix
This map is good for the game-types: Infection, Oddball, and Slayer. This map is what the name says: Death Hallway. On this map on the second...