Version 1.7 is now released, Read main Post for information.
Let me guess not playable because of huge gap of nothingness in the middle, I promised to fix it tomorrow.
I see what you mean... Tomorrow I'll fix the open space problem okay, not today. I'm to tired. And also the Armories are far away from each other.
Thanks, weird thing is this map took 10 days to make, but a whole month until I posted it.
[IMG] Story: During the Halo Wars, Area 51 tried to find a way to stop the scarab tanks and AA Guns. There solution was the most dangerous thing...
Fixed all the pics now there are 10 for more visual descriptions :)
[IMG] No Story Description: This map is an asymmetrical KOTH and Territories map. Use with the variants Legend KOTH or Terri-Race. This map has...
"Doctor the medicine stretched out my arms, legs, and head. You are so sued!":squirrel_chatting: [IMG] My arms, legs, and head are so...
This image is on one of my maps figure out which one of the 4. It's sort of like a ghost fading into the darkness.:squirrel_evil: [IMG]...
:D:DDragonforce FTW:D:D Ya this picture was taken on Sandtrap near the "Flying Elephant"!
"I told you to turn off the engine, but you said nooooooo"!!!!! [IMG] DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH THAT COSTS???
Look at this. I took it at Valhalla, by getting out of the map, using trip mines to overload it. Sincerely, the screenshot king, Wzander. :) [IMG]
Near the bottom below the Wzander tips okay.
Ya Only part of Frostbite looks like this. Oh ya and thanks Could you give me ideas for a epitaph map?
Ill look at frostbite cause I haven't seen it.
[IMG] *Don't think this is bad just because it's on SnowBound* Story: This planet discovered parallel to Earth: SX7---Sun---Earth, was found...
Thanks, I'm good at making those kinds of stories. The filters I thought made a sort of "Cursed" look thats why they are there. But the ground...
I gave weapons to the zombies okay it's near the temple, in a box. Zombies get there own spartan okay!!! I fixed the font.
I modified it so zombies pick up weps, I forgot but there is a _Zombie_ Weapon stash, so have fun!!!!! I'm putting version two on now ok?
Well I equaled out the Power-Ammunition problem.