seeing as everyone has BRs isnt it really easy to kill the "Final Boss"
awesome map man.....wonder who made the sweet return me :)
not sure i understand your question, trying downloading it looking at it. EDIT: i think i know what you mean now, i just used grav-lifts there...
he's right they proabably would kill you. and theres not enough height to have a three level elevator, without being able to just nade jump from...
the elevator resets by its self, so you can use it more then once
wow buddha 10 pages aready... this map is truely awesome, it does take some getting used to, but it only took 5-10 mins.... ps. im the grey...
i made the rails out of fence walls but i guess the bridges would be better, i just might make a version 2 :)
yea sure, anyone can use it thats why i posted it.
ok, but have you made a working one, or have you ever seen a working one...
might be, but could think of it
I've posted saying I have built one for awhile but never got around to fix it up a bit, but i finally did. .::Multi Tier::. Click For Map...
This is really awesome.... I like to tell you that i worked upon your idea, and accually made A WORKING 3 STORY ELEVATOR i will be posting my...
looks good map but when your playing, what if you pick up a box that was interlocked...then = fail sry
I HAVE DONE IT!!! i will be posting a new thread once i work out a few kinks ;)
no pics, no link to map = fail thread / aka does not meet FH Standards
Thats why, the real map has 3495 downloads, and was created March 8th and "your" map has 3 downloads and was created 20 days later on the 28th...
DON'T STEAL OTHER PEOPLES HARD WORK!!!!!! Real Maker <-----CLICK ps. i though the caps were needed
you know that when you are in the Theater Mode you can Press B to get rid of the HUD looks nice though
use a few double boxes to help get them stright, dont know what else to tell you
Re: Earth (Puzzle Map) im friends with buddha, helped abit with this map, so i can help... not sure what room you mean...with the mongoose?...or...