sweet map you earned a dl!
thanks that will save a looot of time
man i still love you and your maps lol
idk but i think it will be o.k. online gameplay they have vehicles now and co op so theres a plus...maybe the vehicles might be gay so idk ^.^
i love you man lol
Sweet map man im lovin the twisty turns =p
lol nice were was this?
i love these type of maps make more make more!
great idea i hope your newmap is sweet!
Sweet map, love the vents
Energy swords
o.o this sound fun to make, i might make 1
All right, im already starting on a V2
lolz =p
it might be a fun map for once or twice, but ill dl to see if im wrong, 3.5/5. at least you didnt make this on foundry =p
from the pictures it does seem like that, but when you play on it , at least i dont think, doesnt feel like theres not enough cover
Yea, i might make a v2 with some different weapons and cleaner interlocking
hmm, i like your idea but what if there was a fill setting? where you could just fill an area with wall, sort of like the invisible barrier thing...
ok im fixing right now, thanks
ugh i feel stuipid photobucket is online =p i was thinking of photoshop