hmm how much far are you into this? keep it up man it looks great!
hmm seems very interesting i hope there is a new era of forge with this!
i wonder why puzzle is filtered?
hmm i cant wait if it does come out...think of how big forgehub would be! hell ya lol
hmm this is something that someone needs to make a guide for...or is it already in advanced spawns?
hey didnt you just post this map today? anyways bravo on it im loving it!
lol one time i put 3 doors sideways where the window panels are normally on regular foundry and 1 door was slightly green another not really blue...
hmm very interesting it looks like it could be a little bit cleaner though, other than that i love the thought of it being halo 2 inspired mini...
wow! great interlocking for your first map posted! but some of your pics arent working =[
i like the map but it looks like you could clean up with the bridges and more interlocking on the base. other than that thats a great map! keep it up
lol very cheery for judgement day though! nice scrrenshot
nice i dont really see a jawbreaker though
wow all of these tgifd look like soo much fun im gonna participate sometime
wow they ghostly and mischevious indeed! i love it its so mysterious!
absolutely the first but its too bright for me idk y its just not striking its appeal on me. but still great effects!
dam theyre all fine! man keep it up and youll be getting reconz! lol
lol sweet thats a pretty awesome find!
lol sweet...dare i ask what is wilson..?
its hard to see but i definately see the arbiter! nice screenshot and weaponry skills =p
lol nice =p anways i wonder how he did do that...