Comes out tomarrow woot. Anyone else getting it? It should be awesome. Fallout 3 group-...
I might go rent it but does anyone know if you can use the rock band 1 & 2 guitars (or drums maybe)? If so I will go rent.
Wow thats pretty awesome. I remember seeing a Mario skin but thats it.
haha man I used to be addicted to Runescape. It was fun during when I started playing; like 3 years ago but I got over it and really play it anymore
Nah I dont think so. I just cleared out my hardrive and it only freezes when I play SR 2.
So the kid ran away because his parents took away his xbox??
When your xbox crashes for you does it freeze, because mine freezes only while im playing SR 2, I thought it was just the disk but...
Wow I had no clue you could do this. Keep up the good videos.
I have to say, that was pretty awesome.
Even though im not really a fan of Far Cry 2, I think this map looks pretty awesome.
I just rented Saints Row 2 and I agree that it has bad graphics compared to GTA 4 but there is a lot more freedom and plus Co-op. I like them both...
hahahahahahaha O my god I cant stop laughing haha If only this game was real
I dont think anyone enjoyed GH: Aerosmith because nobody really likes Aerosmith that much (my opinion)
hahaha these are awesome.
Looks like it will pretty awesome. If you have a Youtube accout I will suscribe.
Whaaat thats insane. They were weaving through traffic like crazy.
Wow i didnt know this would turn into a music fight of what band is the best.
Nice I wish I could do that
This was amazing. Do you have any more that you made because I love machinamas.
I showed you most of these videos. Still funny