I joined yay And for the Megaton: nuke or save the city thing, I did both (2 save files). Save: you get a house in Megaton and 500 caps and...
Oh ok I see. Yea at first I didnt know what was going on at the ending, but if you look into the computer in the other room (the one you can see...
I will have to try that and tell you the other rewards I will just save before I do it.
Nobody has my symbol. I have heard this in many matchmaking games and in TGIF's HaloCharts.com - Tracked Player List And 3 other people look...
That is a excellent idea.
no, why would she have no third finger? yes, I saw that and so there will be more than two im guessing
So do you get anything for blowing it up or is it just for fun? And Oblivion with lag would be awful, so I see your point.
Honestly I didnt get the ending. All it was was a whole bunch of blood symbols and what not on the floor and walls.
Yea it just falls through the ground and the marines that are in the back just chill on the ground were the pelican fell through. Theres plenty of...
Is there ever going to be another Assassin's Creed? I heard rumors about one and it just popped into my mind. Does anyone know?
Oblivion with multiplayer would be insane. There could be 1v1 matches in the arena and play some quests and such with a couple of friends. And...
Wow this game looks really fun, jumping from building to building and what not.
Yea my xbox is slow because of all the Halo maps I have, I think haha. I might go pre-order it if you get the 64 version too. I sold mine a...
I want to play this game really bad. I loved the first Banjo-Kazooie. I tried to DL the demo but my xbox is extremely slow so I cancelled but I...
This is the first time I have seen this, and it is amazing. If only it was real haha. Did you just put a whole lot of weapons on 1 weapon holder?
This is pretty funny. I like how it crashed right in front of the Chief And I doubt he would commit suicide. Anyways nice pics
hahahaha O my god this is hilarious. I have to quote this XD and to the stupid guy on the toilet seat, he deserves to be humiliated. He didnt...
http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-discussion/15018-invent-skull-7.html You know mine is awesome
Skull name: Flying Lessons Skull Description: I can fly! Skull Color: Silver Skull Location: Inside any Pelican just look to your left and pick...
don't spoil the game