[IMG] The pic is on the level The Covenant. You can press and hold rb to get in the back of a pelican when your done killing the scarabs....
5 Minutes!?!? Daaamn. Gotta go to the midnight release then haha
Wow these kids are retarted. hahaha. The best part was when the kid started freakin out that he was crouching. "HE CROUCHED OMG HE CROUCHED!!!"...
Man I wanna go to the midnight release so bad!! But I probably cant. I would skip school tomorrow to play Gears 2 but I have Exams D:
Sweet I have to look it up. Thanks
hahaha this is hilarious. The first one was the best. Its never your fault haha
I really like the Phantom, but the Pelican, not so much. I have seen better ones but keep working at it and you will eventually fix it up. But the...
Its about time your ogre ass got up here
This is amazing. Great job. Do you make just these machinamas or do you make like action ones too? Just wondering.
hahaha I coulnt do it. The second one with the girl getting hit in the face was hilarious. Great finds
Awesome pic. And what do mean outside of Floodgate, did you go out of the level?
I just played the demo for this and I am so getting this game.
This is pretty fun. Cartoonizing random pics FTW haha
hahahaha this is funny as hell!! Awesome video. They were thowing banana peels haha
Battery by Metallica is the one song I have trouble with on guitar and drums. I just cant seem to get the rythm down. I glad the songs got...
Nooooo why must you spoil the game!?!?!?! (you were talking about the game right?) If not than im sorry that your dad died. (lol)
I was so weak after I saw this for the first time. The full desription is "MC chief with his gangsta hat ballin with his boyee in the back crankin...
I saw a video somewhere about the next Assassins Creed but it was during like a war. I think that would be stupid because everybody has modern...
I bet that did hurt Why is the elite sitting in the warthog backwards?? haha
Wow this explains everything. I agree this game is really deep. When I first played I didnt even know it was going to be in present time, I...