Ouch on the last one.
Thanks for the feedback! I too am a huge fan of symmetrical and asthetically pleasing maps. Hence quadrant was created.
This is really good for your first sandbox map. My favorite part is either the interlocked obelisks or the wooden bridges interlocked so that they...
First off, this map may have the best aesthetics in any map I have ever seen. This map totally fells like a small damp cave. If you had told me...
First of all, WAY too many weapons. Secondly, the map is way too open on the outside, and the forging looks messy. However, I like all the...
Oh My God. I have never seen a map this good. Perfect interlocking, amazing map design, and overall epicness. 100000000000/10 and FEECHURE NAO!!!!!!
Wow, 40-50 hours? Your are far more patient then I could ever hope to be.
Great work on the map; looks very Bungie-esque. It looks incredibly well-forged, how long did this take you? From thi pics, 8.9/10.
Great job for a first post! The map actually look really nice. Just a question, are the Hornets transport or normal? I'm only asking because you...
QUADRANT V3 After many hours, and many expletives, Quadrant V3 is finished. To all of you who haven't seen the original, Quadrant V3 is a...
Ok, I guess i can give you some pics of the puzzles. They'll be here in a little bit.
deathpits Deathpits is a successor to my map, Trashpiles. While trashpiles was junky, deathpits is neat. Trashpiles is easy and short,...
Oh okay. There is a mongoose, (not saying where, need to find it out for yourself) You need jump, but not trick jump. (There is one possible...
It doesn't really have a storyline... It's just a puzzle map...
This is my first attempt at making a puzzle map. Don't be fooled by the maps exterior, under it's junky shell lays a cheat-proofed puzzle map with...
C'mon people, post something!
5/5. Great job, reminds me of Narrows, one of my fave maps. ;)
Really nice. I especially like the tunnel. The map looks a little cramped n the pictures, so 4.5/5
QUADRANT Quadrant is a Team Slayer/Objective remake of my map Facility. Perfectly symmetrical, Quadrant delivers smooth forging, and smooth...
I'm definitely going to make a V2, but what should I Geo-Merge? And where do you think I should add more cover? On V2 I'll also make a non-SWAT...