Gamertag: Alligator88 Experience: Deployable Bridge;Vehicle Deployment;has the capacity to create new and innovative switches;can teach others how...
You can forge forky on Powerhouse.They could only fit so many objects into forge world,and military vehicles had a higher priority over civilian...
I would like to see an arctic-themed forgeworld with a bunch of unique terrain.It would also be nice if it was snowing on said arctic map.
I think it is perfect.Good ammo capacity,good rate of fire,excellent accuracy,actually takes skill to use,and is amazing in Swat-no more spraying...
15 days for those people who will play the campaign the second they pop in the disk.I will also be making a submission (hopefully).
But I Needs Meh Snipaz So I Can Go Camping!!!
"The Crusher" was my favorite part of this map due to how creative and unique it was.Also,it was very enjoyable trying to get past that part.Good...
The "unnamed grassy area" is called the Quarry.Also,your map is out of proportion in some areas,but other than that,it looks like a pretty...
I will be making a map in which it will be redvsblue and greenvspurple,with red and blue fighting on a horizontal platform floating in the sky...
I would love to see a Cold Storage remake,mainly because that map was awesome for 1v1 matches.
Actually,I plan on making a lot of really small maps in various parts of the map.Big maps can really ruin the pace of the game if they aren't made...
Hopefully that will help prevent spawn killing.
I plan on remaking Cold Storage and Narrows and a few other ideas I wasn't able to do with the Halo 3 Forge.
30 seconds?It won't even take 5!But anyways,sounds like a good idea,just be prepared for a flood of submissions.
And the spawns finally show which team they belong to without having to bring up their options.
EPIC Invasion maps anyone?Also,King of the Mongoose.
You can see the gravity change about 1 minute before the end of the video.
Bungie is going to win Game of the Year on Forge alone.
The ability to change gravity was what got me really excited.Now I can finally make a proper Aliens map.Oh,and that other stuff was alright too,I...
To solve your lighting problem,simply go into forge,look at the lighten up areas while in monitor mode,turn towards a dark area of the map and...