why would i try to trick people into what i'm not, i came to this site to help me get better, i mean look at my 2nd map that i'm working on its...
hey thanks for your tips i made another map today but i didn't use that much technique or well i don't think i did i just did the save thing and...
thanks i will try to learn a few of them but yea i am really glad on how my first map came out and 2.5/5 is higher then i would of thought someone...
This is aDeAdHeRo875 that is also my gamertag i also just got back into halo so i'm not the best but i am decent. so feel free to add me and also...
Ok let me put this out there right away, I'm new to forge. So please if any of you can tell me how to make this map better then please do, if you...