yes i did, and i still felt like clive was the best, well at least for my gametype
wow this looks even better then i thought. i also like how you pointed out some stuff about the map, i had no idea what it would look like or...
well one way not to get spawn killed is be the one doing it. always works for me
i like the double kill medal. its simple, and you get to play games with it, like double what? double kill.
5 ftw. i play on 5 and 4 switch them back and forth, it depends on how warmed up i am
oh i love this, often many people ask me about my name or make fun of me b.c it has 3 numbers in it. well the story behind my name is real...
ok wow where was i when people found this out, but i hope sandbox won't have built in shovels that are not movable like someone pointed out...
ok wow like everyone else said the middle is just a great idea and i also love the idea of using the whole map. also the interlocking looks...
oh this is a good one, i'm going to say last resort and in the sniper building on the 1st floor
Thank you. i do like that one the best also, maybe if i redo the lava man it would be better also
there's something about "happy birthday" that i don't like maybe its the confetti but #1 #2 and #4 are good
lol well these really weren't my first pics my first one is the one in my sig. followed by pic of maps and then this. but yea i did use your tut...
well you weren't harsh at all and thanks i will try to learn some new stuff, i have some ideas that i haven't tried yet but it should turn out nice
wow that is good i like it i never seen this kind of pic before
Ok aswell with forging i am also new to taking screen shots so here are my first 3 but i am going to follow this also b.c its a good way to relax...
that was a good guide i went out and did it, its nice having more then one controller : ) i tried to put a little twist on it and it looks good...
ok so i did what you said and this is what i came up with [IMG] how did i do for my first one?
wow vary nice track i like how long it is. i'm dling it
wow the interlocking and geo mering is at an outstanding level of skill, the game play is real fast pace and the battle for control and team work...
wow i think that if this was a tiny bit bigger it would be a great map for 1v1 but other then it being a tiny bit too small its great. 4.75/5...