I agree with your sig there should totaly be an app for forging.
it depends you can't make a weapon or vechile the bomb/oddball but you can make a vechile the hill for instance in the forgeworld vidoc bungie...
thanks for sticking up for me in some of my posts.
looks like you looked at the invasion guide rival mass made because in the second last picture looks like you used the same type of wall he made....
the one way shield door is there to slow you down before you hit the ramp so you don't hit the jump so fast. now back to the map its fun great...
thanks robieagray at least yo are nice to me unlike some others on forgehub and thanks for the tips
a zombie must have quit. the strangest thing thats happend to me was in a forge game i placed a warthog and there was no gun on it there were no...
this is the very first infection map on condemnd iv'e see it looks nice like how in some spots the humans get stuck in a dead end i like condemned...
looks like a great map definantlly a download from me i'll test it with some friends soon like the look like the feel like the lighthouse. at...
hey guys iv'e stopped using the bright writing and now i'm here to find out whats a good way to make rocks merge nicely into the forge world metal.
like the look of the maps don't know how you do it but it looks neat but small but not cramped at all looks like it plays like citidal in the...
nice map i don't usaully like maps with juicy effect on but on this map it looks great i like the overall look of the map an idea for the map...
thanks for the tips only thought you needed a hill marker and a capture plate for assault and i will try not to have my text not so bright
hey i'm back and i was wondering if the old der riese from COD5 was better than the new version just a thought on what you thought
hey the penguin is back and i want to ask forgehub for some tips on how to build CTF,assault and stockpile maps because ive tried everything and...
thanks for the tips and sorry about spelling aeshetics wrong
hey the penguin that actually killed goldfinger is back with his 2nd post in 20 minutes is back but i want to know is thier any great way to make...
Hey forgehub the spy penguin is back so soon to ask does anyone know a realy good reach spy base like one that looks like a house but there is an...
hello it's forgehubs undercover penguin.spy penguin! anyway i'm here to see if anyone nows if there are any good stadium maps on here for an...
yes forge will be in aniversary because there are 2 different beaver creeks one with the back teleporters and the caves and one without it