^ red dead multiplayer was the best and i agree this is a lot like it i tried it out with some friends and enjoyed it 4 of them have red dead and...
wow wow wow ok instant problem unless i'm drunk then i'm seeing a gausshog true competitive maps can't realy have gausshogs in them because they...
aahh terminal my favourite map looks very well made but i have two problems with the plane one this isn't that much of a problem but it seems a...
I play tested this map a little while ago with 7 other freinds and we loved it the map itself is asthetically awsome the gameplay is smooth it...
i'm telling you its not shopped i just took this a long time ago before i had bungie.net
wow that is pretty um.......i'm speechless (if i even spelt it right) that was pretty damn good nice job mate
anyone else have any thoughts about this pic?
thanks to this video i am able to make many great maps for instance my gametype and map heavy rain which is a large chasm with killballs...
the maps are all good if didn't get aniversary i would still get the map pack for 1200 points considering that the black ops map packs cost the...
ah ha they are on all the maps i've only found them on battle canyon and solitary solitarys i stumbolled upon by accident when i was trying to get...
i liked bungie the most it looks just like the real symbol i still have not been able to make things round like in the blue dot on top of the (i)
one thing i don't understand is if it's called dragon fields where's the dragon?
dang just realised this but i think that the odsts are only there in matchmaking cause i started up a custom and there were no odsts:C
i made a race on ridgeline and used all the rocks in a small are and it didn't cause any lag at all i honestly prefer the moss covered rocks over...
this map is amazing still havent figured out the lighting effects you have used i have got to download this i can imagine using this in many...
soz i forgot to mention where i'd forge first well i've forged on all the maps but i tryed ridgeline first it's realy fun but somthing i've...
thats just pure luck that you found this it is quite funny onother example is my dumb grunt pic you should check it out like this hope you can...
i'm not sure if it has launched in america yet but it has in australia the forge is intreasting because not only do all of the maps have some of...
personally this map looks great the wheel looks great this map should be in aniversary but sadly it's not. but this map is great hope to see the...
high noon is the the map that was the best the weapon placment was spot on i loved it when i played halo pc timberland was quite nice with all the...