Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details I don't know how these people are making these types of effects but if any of you people from FH know maybe an...
Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details A Tutorial for this would be extremely appreciated.
Really nice sigs, but what text did you use for chung wii's sig?
Umm i'm just wondering but isn't that alittle to large for a sig?
Heres Your sig:[IMG] If you would like it fixed or anything changed just let me know.
Congratulations on The Feature! Love the Layout, Really nice map to play on and it would be even better if this got put into matchmaking :o
It looks like a pretty nice and clean remake plus i really don't understand what the main point of the game is... it seems alittle to small for a...
Lol, i think i was playing this map with you on xbl a little earlier ago... Very nice map and i'm downloading it right now.
Well for one thing, you don't put an apostrophe in between you and re because you're= you are... "you are map sucks?" Wtf man, but let me get down...
It looks alittle sloppy in my opinion but i its the gameplay that counts, ill try downloading it later, nice work
Amazing, Simply amazing
Its okay i didn't really like the way it flows...But you did x1000 better than anything i could do
Holy Cowz! Amazing aesthetics... Definite download
Looks very nice and useful ill give it a try.
Its okay, dont really like the aesthetics of the killball, but thats just me.
Just wondering, but could you make a guide?... Just for us "Puzzle Noobs"
Holy Calzone! This looks Awsome, i'm totally downloading
-Sigh- I Smell 10 year old Noob-Cake. =D
Wow beautiful remake 5/5
Wait are you trying to tell me all these Mini games are in one map! OH EM GEE!!! Is there like a Teleporter where you can like Teleport to the...