This map looks fantastic, instant DL if I didn't have the RRoD. I really like the aesthetic touch you put on this map with the "core-like"...
Not a great post. Most likely, you won't get any downloads for your map without any pictures. It would also be to your advantage to post a map...
This map looks simply amazing, I will be furious if this doesn't get featured. Especially after that UFO's map did, no offense to the creator, it...
This looks like a pretty good map, I may download later.
Tex, this map looks fantastic. I've only been a member here for a little while, but I've noticed how constructive your posts are and they help a...
By no means is the wall that I made easy to break, in fact. A simple grenade jump could possibly get you over parts of it. I will try to post more...
Wow, I love this community, My map hasn't been posted for maybe 10 minutes and already I'm getting loads of feedback, I will take all of your...
Thanks for the quick feedback, this is obviously my first time posting my map and I appreciate the help.
[IMG] Introduction: Welcome to the first installment of a map pack that I will be creating called, "The Prestige Map Pack." The pack will...
wow, when I first saw the "on" switch, I thought it was a mod and feared for the red ring. Then I started trying to figure out how it worked and...