This post does not meet the FH standards. Map Posting Rules Maps must include at least one embedded picture of the map All pictures must be...
I almost got recon from Sarge but he said my vid was lag...
Linubidix It is... different... than the others.
I declare this false advertising. As far as I am concerned this is just a giant stick figure, not a transformer. Now, if you could make a giant...
I'm just messing with you, wasn't being mean or nothing.
Hmm, if its anything like Photoshop, then go to the GIMP folder in the Program Files folder. There should be a folder called brushes or something....
hmm very original name.... Map is awesome though.
Hmm I wonder why she did... Maybe incase she got a headache or something. Dunno just an 'educated' guess... [/sarcasm]
ok, right then, thnx for your opinions.
Yh sure gimme till tomorrow.
KK, wouldn't mind some +rep though for taking the time to make it.
No that is mine. U may have saw it in my sig.
Hmm.... very nice. You've just inspired a change in mine as I highly doubt it stands a chance up against that. ^_^ Why couldn't your Ps stay...
K, what do u guys think about adding extra aesthetics to maps? Is it worth the extra trouble to add something nobody might even notice?
Yeah that happens. My advice: "Save often, and ALWAYS make sure you keep the PSD even if you don't think you will need it."
Looks fun, I won't download because I can't see myself playing this as a lot of the ppl on my friends list are rarely on. But yeah, very... er,...
KK I'll probably work on it maybe tomorrow, depends what I have going on. Hmm, parties maybe? EDIT: I wasn't actually able to put that pic on the...
u havn't sent me the image...
meh, nothing I haven't seen before. Please guys, no more restraunts/eateries. There a big turnoff for me and a lot of other people. I guess there...