Oh sorry, the problem with that is that on gamevee you can't zoom out and watch teh nade in slow-mo. But sure, I'll upload. Umm... How do I upload...
Yes. Stick with frag. I may not have gotten the metal for it but none-the-less, zooming out and following the nade in slow-mo clearly shows it...
Well theres this little guy I like to use called Search. He can be found on the top bar with all the links. Hit show threads and type Rooftops.
It was posted on ForgeHub by don't remember, it is a v2 of intersection I think.
Yh It is a great map, the only one I can find myself playing these days. Oh and those were all adults.
This is my second uploaded video. Here it is. Pwning of Rooftops Video - Halo 3 Game - GameBattles Game Room Credit to the creator of...
i shouldn't have had to tell you to put the links...
download link? where's the gametype?
i dont need help with the switches i need help with the map as stated
I am building a map but I can't seem to get to layout at all. I need someone who has some experience with switches/traps. Gamertag: Deceitfulpillow
Wow, very nice map. I'll d/l and see if I can find something for you to fix. Mwahaha!
i lol'd
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-3QBnRs4j4c Yeah it was pretty funny, took me forever to chase him down.
Ok thnx again.
KK thnx, can u send me the file?
I would like someone to upload this from their X-BOX and send me the file, if you can't send me the file though, could you please just host it on...
hmm... IMO it's not that great. Too much unused space. EPIC name does not = EPIC map Here, this place has some good tips. Forge Tips and Tricks
It has had the same effect on me.
Meh~ I give it 2/5 Turrets are too powerful. If u wanna keep them that bad, remove the barriers from in front of them and all but one turret and...
No I'm afraid thats not an option. Learn and like them or leave.