Someone mind posting this Master Chief picture? I can't connect to their website..
I'll gladly take H3 equipment and H:R AA's in Forge. But in all seriousness, this **** needs to stay away from matchmaking.
I thought the same thing, but I do remember seeing that picture what feels like forever ago...
Ehh, it goes both ways. I hate leaving, even when the rest of my team does because I just dislike leaving in general. But at the same time, you...
A two-way system will definitely not work with the current weapon set-up. Mainly due to the shotgun and the conc, not so much the GL.
My blog comment wasn't directed at you, although I understand how it could easily have been seen that way. It was simply directed at SoS and most...
I was tempted to pick up something similar after I downloaded UDK about a year ago. School kinda restricted that from happening, but since I...
Happy Birthday!
Told you its better.