It's ma'am, and of course I would!
jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr jr JR BACON CHEESBURGER
Judging by the pictures, I can imagine you'll have some problems with framerate. I can't tell exactly what it is, but if its an active camo or a...
Nope, zero infractions. As for the sig, it feels kind of blurry. The text placement felt alright, but the font and color of it wasn't different...
RE: Mash*tima Partnership - YouTube
but why
Ehh, the FX are pretty bland and because of that, the spartan just standing there feels really boring. Plus, the background is very much visible...
dont have a facebook
Gold guns dont mean ****. If thats the only reason you're playing the game, I don't know how you could enjoy it long enough to make it to 10th.
I played the **** out of this game until they nerfed the solo elementalist boss set-up. The second definitely looks interesting, but my computer...
F U! - YouTube
Sorry, I dont speak Canadian.
You sir, have obviously never played Dungeon Defenders.
Guild Wars Download Steam
aboot time, eh?
Absolutely, darling. You are the wind beneath my oh so tattered wings.
This is the first Of Legions to not focus on being scary through a dark atmosphere, and instead tries to bring the same scare factor, but through...
Sorry, but we're not allowing speculation threads regarding Halo 4 anymore. There have literally been hundreds. Just wait for 343i to give us the...
I don't care for the text placement but I do think the effects look pretty awesome.
A little. Why?