Not only is the DMR a better all around weapon, but it's been confirmed by 343.
The map looks pretty interesting, but to be honest, I didn't think 'downtown' or 'urban' when I looked at the pictures. It doesn't look bad, but I...
I'm not releasing anything.
There's nothing good about it gameplay wise. It's actually one of the nicest looking/detailed maps on the disk when you take the time to really...
Looks like you won a contest. This would be cool if you weren't such a scrub. Scrubby dub dub.
I got hardcore disconnected from everything. Anyway, I need to fix the lifts, possibly attempt to work out the framerate and edit some spawns....
You can put the results in your old thread. Making a new thread like this is not allowed. LOCKED.
Do you have something you can link me to? People can remake other people's maps as long as it's on their own canvas and not just them downloading...
Key words being study and take inspiration from, not remake.
H3 had better physics and a better sniper, but that's about it. NBNS Reach tramples it any day, minus those features. Every other aspect about...
Its not going to stop the CoD series, but hopefully without him, they'll turn into even worse games and eventually collapse. Im sure we'll still...
I try.
What's the basis for comparison here? Sure they have similar elements, but at the end of the day they're almost definitely going to be different...
KONY2012 - YouTube This is srs.
Grifball hasn't been fun since it's creation.
Define the nose a bit more and fix the fingers. I can't really piece it together, but I think the thumb is too big and the rest have a "bone" look...
It wasn't just a reference. IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN.
BioWare Changes Ending & Dark Souls Details!- IGN Daily Fix: 3.21.12 - YouTube
This would be a great way to get started. So would this. Welcome! EDIT: Moved to Introductions!
That's definitely cool. Some things I'm noticing is that the base of his crown is a bit wobbly looking, his shoulder plates look completely...