Ice Cream - Muscles - YouTube what magic is allowing you guys to embed these videos?
Halo 3 does sound fun at the moment. I DECREE A GAME NIGHT.
like Aschur mentioned, they both have something the other lacks but have the same general plotline (although the movie series is starting to break...
What's your GT? I'll try to run some 2s tomorrow although that may be too small a player count based on what I can tell from the screens.
haters gon hate.
Ender's Evangelion - YouTube ^awesome.
hahaha, it looks veeery similar to THC.
There are plenty of reasons why companies make new consoles. Obviously, they would be making a profit should their sales to manufacturing ratio be...
CunninLynguists - "Enemies With Benefits" featuring Tonedeff - YouTube
She - Coloris - YouTube
lol, what is this BE you speak of?
yo, is thc working for you?
TBH, I'm not too excited about any of the new characters so far, although I do like the fact that they are branching out instead of pulling...
Super Smash Bros. for 3DS/Wii U Wii Fit Trainer Joins the Battle! - YouTube EDIT: Loscocco posted it earlier, hahaha. Have Megaman and the Wii...
to each their own. From what I could tell, the soldiers had to rely on buildings for their "butt-thrusters" to be effective while engaging larger...
Titanfall reminds me of a modern rendition of Attack on Titan.
Why is he wearing robes? I mean, he's already in a hulking suit of armor. That enemy at the end looked pretty damn cool, though.
drop everything and watch the After Story, Waterfall. EDIT: Sky, you should check out the Aquarion series when you get the chance. I think you'd... | |...