Instead of making more threads I'll just post them all here, sorry if this is against some rule. The active camo can't save you now! [img] Fly...
[img] This pic was not staged, it was taken in a rocket race X2 EXP Weekend Playlist. Some feedback or ratings would be appreciated. The guy on...
When exactly is this taken because I want to go there and better this... somehow... oh forget it, just tell me when
I honestly didn't think of that (not sarcastic) anyway I'm going to post some more before I go with your idea.
[img] This is me on High Ground CTF, I was just going through the movie trying to see what led my team to a complete loss (turned out half the...
SR1 was kinda bad but SR2 rocked my socks off and almost made me put down GTA IV, so I think that if Volition can pull off that trick two times in...
I dropped off at level 15, although I was only playing on the special occasions for weird missions and swearing at the idiots that wanted my 2005...
Hur Hur... I got hit with some shrapnel soo.... Hur Hur SPAM... <<< This is why I acted that way, OKAY!
Hercules for the ps1, it had one or two interesting bits and it was suprisingly good
Has anyone here ever played The Golden Compass *shudder*, book was good though
If you do get it back in a week you'll have msg me and tell me because it took mine four and a half weeks to get back EDIT: what complimentary...
How about Reaver from Fable 2, he seems to be more evil than the main bad guy (Lucian) and he kills a certain character that I really liked, it...
To all the screenshotters out there, how do you think the new ODST "expansion pack" will affect the quality of your pics, or do you think it will...
"Now I just have to aim my giant-novelty-remote-control-battle-rifle and fire" (gets sniped by a noob)
HOLY ____! It's a promotional poster for halo wars! Oh... 4/5
"what... what is so funny... oh..." -my brother's response when he walked in on me laughing. 4/5
I can sorta see his body, if you had a closeup of his head that looked like that (achieved by pressing one of the sticks in to get a zoomed...
I have a couple of pics like this, will share soon (I hope) Great pic, good use of explosion, but have you ever used the "Nuke" effect where...
Awesome, I want to unlock that armor LOL
Cool, next time try to reflect someone else into the visor instead of just foundry, maybe even someone holding an oddball, that would be awesome!