ye a Fore world poster would be pretty awesome. i'd be really good to photocopy it and use the photocopies to sketch out ideas.
the low G space on Zelot looks awesome. i can't wait to fight in that space and also see what i can forge up there. --- and Spire looks ace too.
i smell a Troll. the map looks good bro. keep it up. i'd love to see the other levels.
Untitled.jpg picture by Ser_Aaron - Photobucket i think i went over the top a bit... (i did a link coz i dunno how to get a picture to show up on...
fair enough. ye those were just really random ideas that popped into my head. thought i'd share and let someone give me a good slap across the...
either: you end up with Cortana's big sister (whose name escapes me) in your head as an experiment or sommat. or Noble 6 is Master Cheif. at the...
can i make a request too? i want this map to have forge art of a giant Cow hidden somewhere in the map as a little easter egg
i used to use sensitivity 3. then my friend said "GO HARDCORE!!!" so i went straight up to 10. and i've never gone down since. it's brilliant for...
or because some idiot decided to just make a mess out of it all just for shits and giggles: random unassorted buildings, spawns that insta kill...
i'm actually quite interested to see whats forge-able on the other maps.
no offense right... but i find sketch-up really hard to use. why spend all this time making a map on sketch up, surely you can be THAT impatient....
well lets be honest here. they've made forge a lot easier and better to use but that isn't gunna stop people trying to find glitches to abuse....
hmrmm well i know that they've now said that if you get the legendary edition of halo reach you get a Flaming head. maybe this is the legendary...
we call them newfags on 4chan all the areas are here.
i voted other. because the first thing i'm going to do is explore, on foot, the entire forge world map. find every little crook and nanny and find...
sorry i'm new here and i wasn't sure if there was already a thread for this. oh well
I'm just interested to see what the first thing y'all are gunna do when you get your hands on Halo Reach. - play campaign - play Matchmaking -...
define easy? in my opinion the new Forge will make forging easier and faster. it'll be more open to the layman, which is good. i haven't made that...