i like slightly fast sloghtly les gravity zombies wt 300 to 500 damage resestans but no shields so u have to shoot them in the head
i use Bumper Jumper wt sensitivity at 5 vert good for long and close combat
very good map cant w8 to try it out nice going
the 360 is better but the wii has a few good games u can play between times u r not playing halo or GTA4
my favorit is Conkers Bad Fur Day it was sooo bad in a good way
for over all sells gta 4 wins but forthe 360 only halo 3 still wins
my favorit it avalance great ctf and assult on that map wt all the tanks and hornets it is fun just like the time i was sniped out of the cockpit...
it looks nice i will DL it and try it out
looks great im dl this map
that dose look fun i will DL it its just like the zombe map were the zombie must throw stuff in to the man cannons to kill the humons down in the...
it looks good for a trial but put more thoght in to it i hope u come up wt a better one soon
this map is very nice lightsout225 recomended this map to me during tgif night and now im glad that its on forghub
it dose look good i would like to see it when its done if u need help pm me on forgehub im somewhat a new member wt forge hub but i do know alot...
it looks good but do need more interlocking its just too blockey wt out it
looks good wt half of it but rest is too plaine
yo your map dose look good and if u whant i will come and test it wt u if u whant
yo nice map but fat kid is not supose to be that close combat maby the map will be good for other zombie games
this map looks great it may be the nex grif ball thing
it looks ok a few to many pics and the tellys r too much i may down load
Looks good i alwase love to get new maps frome here but i do whish it was in forge hub for last fridayes tgif event