Tetris Recommended 3-6 players "A vertical Trash compactor that you can win." -Ell3ment Map Variant: Tetris Game Variant: Theme A [IMG]...
While I was playing team mythic I happened to get heritic, I said to myself "Sweet! I hope I can get my sword spree this game!" Well, I happen to...
Seventeen: Seventeen was created by MetaWaddleDee and A RedBull Can. This map is compatible with every game, but recommended for asymmetric...
YouTube - Halo 3: ODST Alpha Site Gameplay at 0:38 I think I saw a golden Hunter, am I just seeing things? And around the 0:30 mark there are a...
YouTube - Halo 3 ODST Gamestop Commercial (Sgt Johnson) When I saw this on TV I was almost on the ground laughing. Probably one of the best...
OLNBC object limit number blocked crypt created by MetaWaddleDee and A RedBull Can The blocked crypt is the star of the show, the OLN is just...
I was making a map that I spent a lot of time on to block off the crypt and I blocked off the crypt very cleanly with one red column and one blue...
Combat Hall is a remake of Metroid Prime: Hunter's Combat hall. I created this map a very long time (about a year ago). And, as I was looking...
I hope this is the right forum to post this... So, anyway I have a map where the player spawns on the sentinel beam and whenever I play the...
I'm working on a v2, so hold off on posting. Just let this thread die and comment when my v2 comes out [IMG] Table of Contents Short Description...
[IMG] Download Map Download Gametype Foundry of Win is a puzzle. In this level the goal is get to the end of the level, the finish is marked...