Sorry I didn't make it, but I wasn't at home, in fact I was on the complete other side of the UK and didn't even recieve your message until now (I...
Indeed I do, I'll give you a few games of playtesting and forge help as and when you need it! You've got my 'tag right?
Thank you, I try to make it as interesting as possible, its always nice to know someone appreciates it. It's quite smooth, I built it around the... created by chrisFREER We're here today to settle an old argument. Which is...
I'm going to have to say Cold Storage! Its an excellent rremake of one of my favourite halo 3 maps
The ravine isn't actually that huge an area, the sides that you enter to get to the ground are fully enclosed as well! and as I said before, the...
First off, thank you! Second of all, you're right, it was nigh on impossible to make the cave loop around the back of the map and I had to...
[IMG] Created by chrisFREER A Château lies at the top of this ravine, towards the bottom you will find a castle, a cablecar bridges the two. Red...
Map name: Twotwoa Falls Map Creator: chrisFREER [IMG] Download: The map itself She should play best for 2vs 2 CTF/ Slayer and 3 man FFA. King Of...
Thank you! I believe in the film on the Rebel's plans it is in orange, but I'm not sure. I think the lines of sight are a bit big and it is...
[IMG] created by ChrisFreer ALMOST 900 DOWNLOADS - THANK YOU ALL High above the forest moon of Endor, the Death Star II is under construction....
[img] Sorry, should've been clearer. What I meant was that from the Pelican drop pad to get to here, I was curious as to the terrain and how you...
I saw this earlier while I was bored and made a note to especially hunt it down and comment on it. Looks like I was successful! As to the map: It...
You sir, have earned my respect! (Brief History Lesson with possible flaws) Market Garden was actually an operation in Holland, not Britain,...
If you're able to or want to make a map like that, you're welcome to! There are a few assault rifles and magnums dotted about with 1 clip, theres...
I have absoloutely no idea how to move it sits here until someone can tell me how or a moderator decides to move it. Thank you though
Thank you, it was orignally built for aesthetics, just happened to evolve into something very playable once I'd built the shell (which took less...
I wasn't sure, I mean I had known about it for a while but Josh asked me to put it up, so I did. I'm glad it was at least some use. True Reflex,...
Indeed it is, I built a tower from the ground up through it and I like the look of Progenitor, but hadn't seen it before as I don't spend much... As promised