Ehm... "Invasion" is already the name of a map on these forums, that I made a couple weeks ago... Should there be some way to differentiate...
Looks great. Awesome work with all the interlocking and merging, and I love the elevator :D
Let's go through the boring same old infection checklist. 1) Fortress - Check 2) Unlimited ammo (Yes, grenades count) - Check 3) Turrets...
Since this has really been bothering me, and you have been putting it in GIANT HUGE LETTERS every post... BIAST - No results found for biast....
They all look like fairly good maps. Nothing exceptional, but all could provide solid gameplay.
Thanks to the mod that took the "A fortress map" off the end. My internet went down again :(
Looks very nice, I like the slow progression from day to night rather than all taking effect at the same time. The "Lights" idea is very creative,...
This looks like it would be easily possible for the humans to camp. There are multiple long bridges far above the ground with only one way in, and...
Can you explain your gametype at all? It is VIP, but you don't describe it here at all.
Very creative, and looks like a lot of fun. I love the frantic pace of humans running from zombies :)
Yes, more words and details, plus your screenies make no sense, but I do like the idea. If you explain what the heck it is, you'll get my DL.
Very nice, looks very well built. You get my DL.
Thrown together very artfully :P
After seeing these screens, I have to say that while the gameplay seems a bit generic, I REALLY like the way you placed the items on the outside,...
I'm curious if anyone has actually played this and has any gameplay thoughts on it? You'd need to use the gametype I provided, unless you just...
Can we has pics of her? (I'll decide if she's fat or not :P)
Looks pretty simple, but fairly fun. Reembed your pics, btw, they're not working. See the "How to post a map" thread to find out how. Also, is it...
Honestly, I'm not sure why people make maps with so many honor rules like this. Just make the map so that you cannot get outside it in the first...
If you really want to get us into the map with that intro, may I suggest spelling at least 50% of the words right? Sorry, but that really bothers...
Sorry I haven't been able to respond, just got my internets back. If you read the post for fortress, it'll give you a better understanding of the...