No, the wraiths cannot hit the VIP if he is where he should be. Up in his keep (The tall spot with the fence wall shield doors) he cannot be hurt...
Wow... Spam much?
Just played this again tonight, and it never gets old. Still just as fast and hectic as ever. I may release a V1.1 of this, with some...
The movement is not increased. The horizontal mancannons for the attackers that spawn at three minutes, however, are very nice, and get the...
Looks quite nice, but I'm still left wondering after reading your post... Regardless, the tunnel is great, and the hexagon is pure win.
If the map isn't ready, don't post it. However, this one does look O.K., and It's interesting how you decided to divide blackout into sections. No...
Fortress Siege: Bringing Down the House [IMG] Yes, I know, lol at the title, I'm bored. ANYWAYS, This is another fortress map, made by...
Hmm... Seems rather campy, and campy is not good, but I like how you go up to the second level. Is there something forcing you up to the next...
Looks pretty fun, I'll give it a DL and find out! (Also, all the tags are not necessary, I think.)
Interlocking is not necessary. And if you can point me to where this type of map/gametype has been done before, thanks.
Very clever, but I got the feeling that it could use more cover. It seems rather wide open right now.
The tunnels are very clever, good work. I also like the whole idea of the zombies jumping up out of the ground.
Great idea with the whole underwater idea. The death barrier markers are made of win, but it all seems rather small (Understandable, considering...
Yes, this does look a bit more like a minigame, but that doesn't make it look any less fun! :)
Nice idea with the antennas in front of the base to make a jail, but it seems rather barren other than that? (And the floating base)
Awesome map idea, and amazing implemetation, but that is some of the craziest interlocking on those fence walls I have ever seen...
Zero description, just a list of guns and no pics. Sounds rather blank to me...
So, It's a blank map with guns on it? Sounds interesting!
To be blunt, what you ideally need to do is change the name of your post (not your map) to something other than "Invasion," and do a quick forum...
I'm not saying that my map is better in any way, I'm just saying I posted mine first.